Thursday, December 17, 2009

Reconnect with FB

Have you ever lost touch with a relative and wish you could reconnect? Well I have a cousin that I wanted to locate. So I went to my facebook and did a search. No results, however I knew the name of her son. Searched his name, and 4 came up, so I sent an email to the first one as he actually resembled my cousin. Just asked is your mothers name Nancy. He replied same day with only a "yes". Sent a reply letting him know how I was related to her and named her mothers and fathers name. got another reply, yes they are my grandparents! Amazing. He told his mom and gave her my phone number, so hopefully she will call. He seemed to be excited also as he said he didn't have much family. Well we sure don't lack in that area, as our parents have 13 children combined and probablay around 40 grandkids. not to include spouses and great-grandkids.  I hope we can reconnect as it's been 20 years. We have both lost both parents and have so much to catch up on. My cousin was an only child so hopefully will also welcome the reunion.  Now I want to go through my old pictures and find some with us together that I can share with her. By the end of the day he and I were FB friends.

1 comment:

  1. That is cool! I do like how Facebook allows us to find people that we would normally have to pay a private detective to find. I like how I can keep in touch with my cousins in Kansas on fb.


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