Monday, September 28, 2009

Monday Morning!

What a great way to start the week, a nice workout with my oldest daughter Andrea. It's so hard getting up there to the gym, but once it's done! wow! lots of energey to get the week going. Less than two weeks away from our fall break trip to the midwest.  Covered bridge festival is tops on the list of to do's there, and just relax and enjoy a few days of real FALL weather. Perhaps on our return the AZ heat will be moving on....... Lots to do today, dig out the Halloween decorations, woods floors need cleaned, dinner planned, grocery shopping. Went a whole week with just one trip to the grocery store. That's my new plan, in hopes of saving a few $$, you know every trip to the store those extra items you grab just because your there.  See how it goes but that's the plan, to plan. Had to post this picture of my son charlie and granddaughter Zella. It makes me smile and proud!

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