Sunday, November 29, 2009

My Lucky Day! Thank You Lyle

I was so excited a couple of days ago  I got an email from Layle whose blog I frequently visit 6 Degrees.  She offered me a 8x11 photo album by Shutterfly.  I've want to make one of these for some time now, as I thought it would make a great gift for my best friend Brenna who has helped me over the last 5 years renovating our 1920's farmhouse in Illinois.  However we are talking 5 years of pictures, memories and trying to put it all together.  Had it just been family pictures no problem, but to make sure I got everything included was a little nerve racking. Unfortuantely I've been a little down and out with a cold/sinus thing, but I figured this would give me something to do as I laid around in my pj's all day.
Charlie was going golfing so it was the perfect project for me to dive into.  Im not very good with words, and the memory is starting to go so it was a bit of a challenge for me.  The process itself wasn't to bad once i learned the in's and outs of the books features. I think it turned out pretty good considering it was my first digital book. Most of all wanted to document the journey that lasted 5 years for us.  It started when my father passed away and my mother came to live with us.  After my mother's health began to fail I knew that I needed to figuure out what I was going to do with 5 acres and a farmhouse in illinois.  It started out small but ended up being a total renovation.  One day I will sit down and add it all up. But what ever the cost,it was worth it. We did the majority of the work ourselves. What we didn't know how to do we hired out.  With the endless help of my best friend from high school who still lives there, took on the project manager job when we were in Arizona.  She is one of a kind and I'm very lucky to have her as a friend.  Thank you Layle for the wonderful gift!


  1. The book turned out great. Sorry to hear you're not feeling so hot. hope that clears up soon. Where in Illinois? I live in Barrington Illinois. I couldn't see in the pictures. My eyesight and memory are both failing me!

  2. Thanks! The town is Westville Illinois, bout 3 hours south of Chicago. Very small, sister city to Danville Illinois, home to Gene Hackman and Dick VanDyke. Great place for a peaceful getaway. After ordering the book realized I left some things out. It took alot longer to make than I thought it would. Good thing I didn't plan anything else for the day.
