Saturday, January 2, 2010

How do you choose from 35 years of collecting.

Today Andrea and I started to pack away the Christmas decorations. Every year i say this, why do I have so much stuff.  So this year while packing it all away I made the decison that next year i would only get out two boxes instead of 6. I gathered up exactly what would go into those two boxes. it's been 35 years of collecting and early morning after Christmas "sales" but at some point I know I need to scale back.  I did quit buying a few years back, maybe a new ornamet here and there but for the most part, kept away from having to fill yet another red and green storage container. Every year i also try to give a few things away, so not sure why my container count isn't going down. hmmmmm.  I plan on labeling these two special containers just in case next year the ole memory isn't what it should be.  Im also thinking my word this year may be "simplfy", just like last year. I know your supposed to pick a new word every year, but this one sure makes me feel good once accomplished.  Just a few of my favorites.......and this is just one wall. They were placed there just for the photo shoot, they actually get placed all over the entire house.

1 comment:

  1. I feel the same way, just we didn't put everything out. I've been doing that for several years but I haven't given/thrown anything away yet. Need to take stock.


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