Wednesday, September 30, 2009


This coming weekend, October 2, 3rd and 4th the 1st Annual "Dunk a Cop" will take place at the Tempe Town Lake. The hours are Friday from 5pm-9pm, Saturday and Sunday from 10am-10pm, proceeds to benefit Trey's medical fund. Please come take your aggression out at the dunk booth and "dunk a cop" for Trey. Dunk a cop, and win a tshirt as bragging rights to let everyone know you did...all to benefit a great cause.  Meet and get to know all about Trey now.

Thank you Dunkin Donuts for creating and donating the t-shirt giveaways!

a road trip i want to make soon!

This looks it would be worth the trip alone, now all i need to do is find a golf course close by and we are all set to jet to SLC!

Read this yesterday on one of my most favorite blogs, Rhonna, shared by an amazing women, Stephanie Nelson. Just take a visit to Nienie dialogues

There is in every true woman's heart
a spark of heavenly fire,
which lies dormant in the broad daylight of prosperity;
but which kindles up and
beams and blazes
in the dark hour of adversity.
-Washington Irving

Monday, September 28, 2009

Monday Morning!

What a great way to start the week, a nice workout with my oldest daughter Andrea. It's so hard getting up there to the gym, but once it's done! wow! lots of energey to get the week going. Less than two weeks away from our fall break trip to the midwest.  Covered bridge festival is tops on the list of to do's there, and just relax and enjoy a few days of real FALL weather. Perhaps on our return the AZ heat will be moving on....... Lots to do today, dig out the Halloween decorations, woods floors need cleaned, dinner planned, grocery shopping. Went a whole week with just one trip to the grocery store. That's my new plan, in hopes of saving a few $$, you know every trip to the store those extra items you grab just because your there.  See how it goes but that's the plan, to plan. Had to post this picture of my son charlie and granddaughter Zella. It makes me smile and proud!

Friday, September 25, 2009

When I look at my grown kids I wonder where the time has gone. Sometimes I feel someone hit the fast forward button of life. I'm so proud of all my kids.  I wish there was more time for  US. I'm gonna have to make that happen. Maybe lunch with mommie once a month?? now just finding that one day that the five of us can make the time...Hmmm

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Spark! the Event. check it out at Oh Sweet Sadie
Get your tickets NOW here Spark! The Event
After watching  Dr. Oz  yesterday I wanted to share something very interesting about Stress and women. He states that stress has gotten so out of hand today that doctors are saying 90% of all their visits are stress related, making it a crisis. Stress kills. Stress is destroying your body from inside out. Dr. Oz explains how this takes place within our glands. So I'm not alone out there. Another interesting comment was made my one of his guest  Dr. Kathleen Hall  founder and CEO of  The Stress Institue,who said "unlike men women are fear based and hold on to stress where men are able to detach". Her web site is one worth the visit to learn about chronic stress. Chronic stress can take 8 years off your lifespan. SELF care (her acronym) S- serenity E-exercise L-love E-eat.  My goal is to learn all I can about Chronic stress and what I can do to eliminate it.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Beautiful Zella

Dallas and Ella ready fo school.

Getting kids ready for school sure brings back memories of years gone by.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Back from Las Vegas

charlie and I spent the weekend in Las Vegas for our 34th wedding anniversary.  Also in Las Vegas at the time were two of my brothers, John and Eric.  We enjoyed going to dinner with the two of them and then Charlie and I went to the Beattles Love show at the Mirage.  The show was very entertaining with alot of great talent. We had awesome seats in the 4th row, charlie even had one of the entertainers come over to him to pour smoke on his head, guess he couldn't resist as Charlie was sitting right next to the stage where the various entertainers enter.  The Beattles songs were used as the shows music and with speakers in each of our seats the remix of the old songs sounded awesome. Of course we had to buy the CD before leaving. That town just continues to grow, and man the money that is spent in the casinos is ingrediable. No recession going on there. Nice quick visit, just right. More than a couple days in Vegas is to much.  After we were first married Charlie and I lived in Las Vegas during the off season of baseball.  Believe it or not it was hard for us to find employment as we were only 19yr and 20yrs.  I cleaned rooms at the Dunes hotel, then a candy gift shop in the MGM an Circus Circus. Crazy times back then.  Now we're celebrating 34 years of marriage! How great is that. I'm married to my best friend and the love of my life! Blessed for sure.

Silhoutte of KB and CB

Beattles Love at the Mirage Las Vegas

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Challenge yourself today and everyday.

Heidi Swapp's Halloween Heart

Who would of thought using a heart for Halloween? Heidi Swapp that's who. check out this very cute heart box  she has created just in time for Halloween. It's so cute. gotta make one. who wants to join in.  I love decorating for all the holidays, and since halloween is just around the corner I better get moving on it. Heidi is giving some away so check it out and maybe you will win one. You can also  purchase one two or even 3 hearts on House of 3 . Also purchased some of Rhonna Farrer's awesome Halloween digital images that you can use over and over again on your projects. Mine's getting filled with candy corn and mini snicker bars!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The 21 day challenge began 9 days ago, however you can begin today. Each day Rhonna inspires, creates and posts her daily motovational quotes and art journaling. Break a bad habit or start a new good habit, it's up to you. Join in and be inspired. Journal your progress and stay connected.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Celebrating 34 years together 9/14/2009

Where have the years gone.   I remember when I would hear that someone was celebrating their 25th or 30th wedding anniversary and think wow that's a long time together. Well here I am celebrating my 34th wedding anniversary to the most wonderful man in the world! He's absolutely the best and I'm blessed to be sharing 34 years with Charlie. As I think back to our wedding day, I remember how special my parents made our wedding, as we only gave them 6 weeks to plan the event. It was a beautiful and incredible day, shared with the man I love, family and friends. Now here we are 34 years later. 4 wonderful kids, (grown kids i add) , 3 amazing and beautiful grandkids. I know my kids are now the ones thinking.....34 years wow that's a long time. Well you just wait it to see how fast time passes by when your as blessed as I have been. I can only hope that we have 34 more together! That would make us 87 YIKES! that's not old right? There is no greater gift then to love and be loved.

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